Monday, May 2, 2022

"The Mummy's Bride," Scenes E and H

We're again in "the girls' apartment - later that day."  Since Laverne went upstairs in the script, she comes downstairs to answer the door, but onscreen she just moves from the couch.  They dropped this:

(SUSPICIOUS) Did Laverne tell me something I don't know she told you?

I don't know.  What do you know?

I know I have to tell you something.  That's why I brought the flowers.

Oh, no.  Dear Carmine, if you want to talk engagement, I'm not sure this is the proper time.

(RISING) Okay.  That's fine with me.

(PULLS HIM) But I think we should talk marriage.

Marriage?  Angelface, this may come as a shock to you...

Then they go into her telling him she's marrying Walter.  They left out Carmine giving her the flowers in honor of her wedding, and her saying, "Oh, thank you.  I've never seen anything so beautiful."

For the next scene, we get an exterior stock shot of an army hospital at night, followed by an interior of the "hospital waiting room," also at night.  After Laverne's line about a wedding at a hospital, there was this:

All the conveniences of a church and Uncle Sam picks up the tab.  Isn't it wonderful?

Wonderful?  Where are all those things ya always dreamed of... the big church... the shrimp pinwheels... napkins with your name on 'em... I mean, I got writer's cramp here, Shirl.

That was replaced by the girls bickering about the gowns.

Walter was supposed to be wheeled on a dolly into the room by another man, but instead it's a female nurse.  They dropped Shirley telling him, "You look beautiful, Walter darling," and asking, "Are you happy darling?...Blink once for 'yes.' "  And then when he does, she says, "I'm happy too."

This was lost after Shirley says that she already told Laverne that Walter has a rash that covers 98% of his body:

And the other 2%?

Our honeymoon.

Thank the Lord.

Don't worry.  The doctor said that the rash will be gone completely in a few days.

  • The confusion between Carmine and Shirley isn't as drawn out onscreen.
  • I like that Laverne points out that this isn't Shirley's long-planned dream wedding, but maybe they didn't want to call too much attention to how rushed this was offscreen as well.
  • Shirley interacts some with Walter onscreen, but that, too, is trimmed.
  • Wow, I can't imagine the censors letting the "2%" line by, with the implication that the part that counts most for a honeymoon is rashless.

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Angel Face

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