Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"There's a Spy in My Beer," Scenes D and E

Act Two opens in the same place, with "continuous action."  They left out Laverne calling the spy "the guy I saw in the vat room, the guy we saw in the break room... I just saw him in the dumb room... dumbwaiter."  They also dropped Shirley's line, as they're wrestling, "Oww.  Now you are acting like a fruitcake.  I'm gonna wrap you in a sheet."

Squiggy's line about wanting the girls to wrestle in mud was added.  But this was omitted:

Why, did you notice anything out of place?  Think hard.


Laverne, they could hold the Kentucky Derby in their apartment and no one would notice anything out of place.

Nope.  No Kentucky Derby up in our place.

Shirley again trying to call Dr. Shoenbroom was not in the script.  They dropped Shirley saying, re the biology midterm, "That frog was somebody's mother... or father... How can you tell with a frog."

It's back to the "vat room - night."  The dialogue is paraphrased from the script but there don't seem to be any significant differences for the first couple pages, other than it sounding like Shirley onscreen calls BBK "she" and says that the camera was a gift from Carmine.

I like the stage direction "Shirley does Jaws bit," in reference to the movie that came out almost four years earlier.  And I wish we could've heard Laverne's line "Give him the 'Moby Dick,' " when she and Shirley are splashing Ludwig.  But again, there's not a lot that's a real loss here.  Well, OK, maybe the frog line.

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Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...