Friday, December 31, 2021

"Testing, Testing," Scenes C through H

They added a transitional bit of a stock shot of the girls, with Laverne worrying in voiceover and Shirley reassuring her and telling her about the written tests and individual talks.  But Scene C starts out like we'd see onscreen, "immediately outside the breakroom - next morning."

The lines when Laverne moves over to sit next to Shirley were added.  Lenny telling Squiggy, "Oh, I copied your house, too," appears to be an adlib, as does his "Uh-oh" after Squiggy says he drew a slum.

Shirley's "What's the matter, Laverne?" was improved to "What is up your nose, anyway?"  (Which became the title of an improv game show.  I kid.)  The boys' amusement was not in the script, and it looks genuine.

They dropped these stage directions after Shirley says that she's sure the psychiatrist is "only interested in helping his fellow man":


We next get the scene with Squiggy and the doctor, which opens Act Two.  In the script, Squiggy says he was a "ragamuffin" as a kid, which was Landerized to "racket-muffin" for filming.  They left out him calling the question about what a man is "stupid."  Otherwise, those wonderful Squiggy lines were already set by this point.

We return to the "breakroom hallway - a few moments later."  They left out Lenny telling Dr. Gentry, "You can't have me.  I'm coming down with a hernia."

The scene was supposed to end with Squiggy's exit line "Well, I can't chat anymore.  I got a lot of under-achieving that needs to be done."  Instead, Laverne tells Shirley they're next and they go to commercial, maybe because Scene B was shortened so much that Act One ends later in the final version.

Scene H is set in the "breakroom - a few moments later."  (These are really long moments in my opinion.)  This scene is intact, although the way Michael McKean interprets "Lenny thinks.  He keeps thinking, he's still thinking" could only be done by him.

I wonder why they dropped the upset man.  I mean, they had already cast the actor.  Maybe they felt there was reason enough for the four friends to be nervous.  Or maybe it was too much of a contradiction of how likable Dr. Gentry comes across.

My main thought is I wish I could see an earlier version of this script, to see how much was added by the cast in rehearsals.  Which is not to take away from the contributions of writers Kenny Rich and Chris Thompson.  This is a very solid script and it led to one of the best episodes of the series.


  1. I think the squiggyism is "raggedmuffin!" I think.

    1. I was going by the subtitles, which admittedly are not perfect.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...