Monday, October 11, 2021

"Playing the Roxy," Scene A

On August 29, 1978, three weeks before "Playing the Roxy" aired, its Revised Shooting Script came along.  My copy is a reprint, possibly from the copy belonging to whoever did the music:

We start in "Laverne and Shirley's apartment - morning."  The first five pages made it in, but this was dropped after the boys help Laverne carry Shirley in:


It's no big deal.  Lenny falls down those steps all the time, and look at him.

She's not wakin' up.  I gotta do something.

Let's try rubbing her legs.

Start from the top.

Touch her and you're dead.

Instead, we get a dissolve and it cuts to Laverne telling the boys to go get the new doctor in the neighborhood.

They left out Squiggy asking the doctor if they should boil the lollipops.

Otherwise, for a twelve-page scene, it's remarkably unchanged.  I can absolutely see why the boys' tasteless dialogue about rubbing unconscious Shirley's legs was dropped, although obviously other tasteless moments made it onscreen this episode.

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Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...