Tuesday, January 12, 2021

"Life Is the Tar Pits" script, Scene H

It's back to the La Brea Tar Pits, at night.  Notice, Scene D took place in the morning, and Scene E a bit later.  I think this is another timeline problem.  Anyway, it's daylight in the episode and birds are chirping.

The first couple pages don't have any significant changes.  Then there's this:

I let the ugly head of my jealousy mettle with your lust life.  I'm very small.

No, Squig, you're big.

That's cause I'm sitting on a rock.  A pointy one.


Karen's necklace.

I'll tell you something about this Karen girl.

You said enough.  Even though she left me, she's not a dog.

(TURNS ON LENNY) Of course she ain't.  How could you ever think that.  Karen is special.  She's cute and she's a got a lot of brains for a girl.  And she would only go out with a special guy.

In the aired version, Squiggy says he got in the way of Lenny's potential and he doesn't want to own Lenny, showing that Karen's words did get through to him.  Squiggy asks Lenny's "forgivefulness," which Lenny says is for the first time, and that might be true in the sense that Squiggy's apology is much more reluctant in "You've Pushed Me Too Far."  Squiggy says being in the tar makes you look differently at life.  It's Lenny who finds the necklace, but Squiggy agrees that Lenny should hang onto it, because it's special and so is Karen.  He doesn't call her cute but he says she has "brains and everything for a woman that makes her complete."

In the script, Lenny is surprised that Squiggy thinks he's special, but Squiggy tells him, "I said it dope."  The Lenny line about owing everything to Squiggy is in both versions, but onscreen Squiggy says he'll send Lenny a bill, which makes Lenny laugh.  Here's how the scene, act, and episode end in the script:

What you am is covered with tar.  How do we get out of here?



But the episode has a quick tag, where Squiggy suggests they have fun with tar and feathers!

This time, I don't really prefer one version over the other.  I like Squiggy being the one to find the necklace, but at least he's very positive about Lenny keeping it onscreen.  Overall though, I think that this final draft definitely still needed work and, as it is, the episode could still be better.  I wish we'd gotten some sense of what Lenny and Karen do together besides study sessions, even if it was just a line or two about them going to the movies or something.  I realize she was just a one-shot character but I feel like we know even Amy Babish better than Karen.  On the other hand, I could see them as having a brighter future, if she hadn't gone to New York, than Laverne would've had with David.  Or with Man.


  1. I still love that tag and wish it'd been preserved.

    1. It's on the DVD. Are they not airing it anymore?

    2. Nope, it got chopped out on Logo last I saw (and I still need to buy season 7, whoops!).

    3. You'll need it for blogging purposes this year. And then (spooky voice) Season Eight!

    4. I will! I'm happy to buy S7 but ugh, Season 8.

    5. I got the complete set in 2019, although I almost wish I'd bought the seasons separately, because the packaging is a pain.

    6. God, I've heard awful things about the packaging - Chris has the complete series and yep, his DVDs scatter.

    7. I wouldn't mind so much if I was just watching the episodes in order, once, as I originally planned. But I figure I'll put up with it while the discs last, and then replace seasons as necessary.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...