Sunday, December 6, 2020

RIP David L. Lander

I began this blog while still processing Penny Marshall's death about nine months later.  I didn't want to still be doing this blog when we lost another member of the cast.  I will freely admit that Squiggy was never my favorite, but he has truly grown on me, especially after watching some episodes multiple times in the last year or so.  David L. Lander had an under-rated comic timing and a stubborn persistence in making Squiggy lovably despicable and creepy.  Moments of vulnerability flashed through, but Squiggy was not "soft" like Lenny.  His "fodder" ran out on him and he had a strained relationship with his "mutter."  He was deeply cynical about women, and yet in his own way he idolized Shirley.  He wanted a fast buck but was capable of random generosity and kindness.

David wasn't Squiggy.  In fact, he was very un-Squiggy, as much as Bob Denver was never that Gilligany in real life.  But David created this indelible character, the perfect life-partner for Lenny.  My heart breaks for the long-term best-friendship behind these two greaseball goofballs.  If Michael McKean still thinks of Penny almost every day (as he Tweeted recently), this has to be a loss that will shake him to the core.

Since I'm already pretty immersed in Laverne and Shirley (still?  it's been over a year!  what the hell is wrong with me?), I won't do a marathon, but here, off the top of my head are some suggested "Squiggy" episodes:

Great episodes about Squiggy:
  • "The Driving Test"
  • "You Pushed Me Too Far"
Great episodes that aren't about Squiggy specifically but he has classic moments in them:
  • "Hi Neighbor, Book 2"
  • "The Second Annual Shotz Talent Show"
  • "Lenny's Crush" 
  • "Testing, Testing"
  • "The Dating Game"
  • "Sing, Sing, Sing"
  • "Perfidy in Blue" (this will probably be the one I'll watch today, since he's hilarious in a very different way than he usually was on the series)
Not great episodes that tell you more about Squiggy:
  • "The Duke of Squigmann" [sic]
  • "Helmut Weekend"
  • "Friendly Persuasion"
  • "How's Your Sister?"
Not great episodes in which you have to ignore Lavenny to appreciate Squiggy tearing the scenery:
  • "It's a Dog's Life"
  • "High Priced Dates"


  1. A lovely obituary. The last day and a half has been surreal as heck.

    According to what Michael told the LA Times, they'd been expecting the news for awhile. His Tweets have been lovely and magnanimous. I'm guessing there won't be a service because LA's COVID restrictions have gotten incredibly strict, so that's going to be tough.

    I'd put Duke of Squigman and Helmut Weekend up into the great tier, or maybe that's just me being soft for David's performances.

    1. Hugs! Are you going to do a tribute on your pod? I imagine it must be particularly strange for Chris, as a relatively new fan.

      Yeah, I can't say that the death came out of nowhere, considering David's long-standing health issues with MS. Michael's Tweet that if David made you laugh, you were his friend, too, is very generous (and rather Lenny of him).

      I gave both "Duke" and "Helmut" B-s, which is "pretty good" on my scale, but it is strange to be re-examining "Duke" at this time. I would add "Squiggy in Love," which I gave a B, to the first part of the list and I don't know how I over-looked something so obvious. ("Perfidy" turned out to be, as I hoped, the perfect rewatch, especially because I got to see him crack up Michael and Penny.)

    2. We're recording it today!

      It was beautifully magnanimous, wasn't it? And closing with 'peace.'

    3. Michael has probably had time to process that it was coming, but death is still different than you imagine, no matter how prepared you are. At the same time, I think he understands that he is the one that fans are turning to, to give and receive comfort.

      Looking forward to the tribute.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...