Sunday, December 6, 2020

Lenny & Squiggy & Dr. Demento

On May 13, 1979, the boys popped up, in character, in the middle of Dr. Demento's novelty music radio program.  It is, as of this writing, available for streaming, for $3.  Lenny and Squiggy don't show up until about 53 minutes in (well, you can hear the "dirty" version of "Night After Night" first), but it is well worth the streaming.  There is a lot of wordplay, like when the doctor asks about Squiggy's hairworm, e.g. "Genesis coiff."  It sounds like they're just improvising, bouncing off each other, to Dr. D's delight.

Interestingly, although there's an episode where the boys claim not to have middle names, here Lenny gives his as "Walter."  (Which makes me wonder if Dr. Meeney's first name was an in-joke or just a coincidence.)

Also, it's ironic when Dr. Demento asks what the boys think of Simon & Garfunkel's hair, since they would later dress as S & G on LAS, and Penny would date Art.

LENNY: You gotta remember, when we was young, our mothers wanted nothin' to do with us, so they'd stick us in a room with a TV set and a record player, and that was our contact, and a radio, and that was our contact with the outside world.

Is this canon?  Well, Lenny's mother ran off in approximately 1943, and not many families, especially working-class families, had TV sets.  Squiggy says, correcting Dr. Demento's "respective rooms," that it was the same room, so this would probably have to be in Milwaukee.  I'm going to say that Lenny is misremembering the TV part, unless Helmut somehow scored one during the War?  

Then they start talking about Winky Dink and You, which premiered in 1953, when the boys were about fifteen.  It was aimed at little kids, but then again these are the same guys who were Heckle & Jeckle fans well into their 20s.

Lenny also claims that they used to play music in Squiggy's garage, which implies that Squiggy lived in a house at some point, while I've always pictured the gang living in apartments.

David loved baseball.  (And, yes, it makes me sad to use the past tense.)  So it's nice that Squiggy gets to play a song by the New York Mets.  And it's even nicer to hear Michael chortle and almost break character during David's introduction of that song.

Note that Lenny describes "Foreign Legion of Love" as "the one we personally like."  It's the last of their three previously recorded songs on the broadcast, the middle one being "Creature Without a Head."  Counting all the songs, their whole appearance (or whatever you call it on the radio) comes to about half hour, so about $1 per ten minutes, but totally worth it.


  1. I love that Demento played the "sleep with the same broad" version.

    All the pre-press stuff suggests Lenny's middle name is Walter, so I suppose that's the middle name Michael gave him when he was conceived.

    1. Ah about the middle name. LWK for initials then.

      And, yes, there's a lot of "naughty" stuff on Dr. Demento, I guess PG or PG-13. Since the boys were promoting their album, it makes sense that it would be the album cut, while ABC Standards & Practices probably nixed "sleep," not unlike the "Let's Spend Some Time Together" Ed Sullivan broadcast of the Stones hit about a decade earlier.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...