Monday, October 19, 2020

"Penny Marshall & Cindy Williams" book, Photo Group No. 2

Pages 104 and 105 show Cindy on her own and with a couple of her boyfriends:

The captions read, "Cindy has always looked younger than her years, which is why she has many teenage roles to her credit.  She played a high school senior in American Graffiti when she was twenty-five," "Not content to confine her talents to acting, Cindy also hopes to get into writing.  She was working on a screenplay about the bicentennial when she landed the part of Shirley Feeney," "One of the great loves of Cindy's life was none other than Henry Winkler, the actor who plays the famous Fonzie.  Although they no longer date, Cindy says they still have a 'very special relationship,' " and "In between steadies at this time in her life, Cindy's enjoying playing the field with handsome escorts like Rob Louwine."

My favorite picture here is the first one, of her in the big hat.

1 comment:

Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...