Monday, October 5, 2020

"Penny Marshall & Cindy Williams" book, Photo Group No. 1

Pages 89-91 offer pictures of Penny, with others and by herself:
Penny looks lovely in all of these pictures (especially her eyes in the third picture), and it's just too bad she wasn't able to see it.  But she brought that insecurity to the brassy character of Laverne, making it a subtler portrait than it might've been with other actresses.


  1. Replies
    1. Cindy was lovely as well, but not insecure about it like Penny. I can't remember which episode it is ("Angels of Mercy"?) where Shirley says something like, "I hate when you talk about yourself like that," re a guy not liking Laverne, and Laverne says, "I hate having to say it." And there are other episodes where Shirley reassures Laverne about her looks, and I've always thought that this was a bit of a Penny & Cindy dynamic, too.

  2. Aww, and yeah, I definitely saw notes of that in the show.

    1. And in "Dear Future Model," Laverne thinks she has terrible hair, which Penny thought about herself.

    2. Oof, when I think about Laverne's self-esteem issues I still wince. I didn't know that she didn't like her own hair though.

    3. I feel like there was something about it in this book, and I do know she was very uncomfortable making a shampoo commercial with Farrah (who was sweet about it).


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...