Tuesday, February 22, 2022

"I Do, I Do" revisited, Scenes A and B

As in the previous script, the waitress is called Fran, although it would be Mary by filming.  Laverne still isn't calling Derek "cute," but that adjective did appear by filming.  "Love, Love, Love" does appear in this version, and Idle and Bishop did write the song, according to the closing credits.  Laverne's line about asking for autographs and tearing their clothes off carried over from the earlier draft.  On the other hand, they dropped Laverne's suggestive previous line "Yeah.  We're the 'fastest' waitresses west of Pasadena."

Derek's last name and weight now matched what would air.  London's weight also matched but he still had his pet peeve of "phoney people."

Derek wanting to buy a castle came up by this version.  Derek's gripe about taxes was changed from "It's not fair.  I don't see the Royal Family cranking out hits like 'Love My Baby' " to "Bloody taxes.  I don't go bothering the Queen for money," and then the royals were left out of his complaint by filming.  And in this version, London calls him "daft."

Edna asking for an autograph for her "niece Edna" carried over from earlier but was thankfully dropped by the airdate.

Other than that, there's not much of note for this Scene A.  So on to Scene B.  We do get full lyrics to "Love, Love, Love."  The girls are no longer in "Hallaballoo type outfits" but now "cocktail dresses."  Therefore, Laverne says, "I think we're a little overdressed," and Shirley replies, "Edna was right about how to meet 'em but wrong about how to dress for 'em."

Laverne does ask Derek if his teeth are capped, but here he replies, "Yes.  And I have little matching coats for them too," which makes them both laugh.

The four of them dancing together was dropped by this point.  On the other hand, by this point they'd added a later notorious stage direction:


In this version, Malcolm says "these" brownies rather than "your," and that would be kept for filming.

Shirley nagging Laverne about plucking her eyebrows was added for the filmed version.

Squiggy saying that it's STAB's "business to rub noses with the upper crudes" had been modified to "upper cruds," which makes more sense, but neither made it to air.  Instead of saying they thought the girls were Flatt and Scruggs, as it would become, he here thought they were Jan and Dean, which I prefer.

The boys don't walk into a wall in this version but get onto the coffee table, as they would for filming.  Lenny telling Laverne he likes her, and all of their touching, wasn't in this script either, so yep, I'm going to credit Marshall and McKean.

Squiggy's "monkey" was gone by now and his dialogue with Shirley is like what would air.  The Lenny and Laverne filmed dialogue is mostly there, too.  Someone (probably Lander) added the line about Shirley inheriting Uncle Wolfgang's farm.

Instead of Derek saying they can't have a party on his mum's birthday, he here says, "I'm the one who has to tidy up," and then London tells him, "But you're so good at it," so Derek replies, "Well, I do my best."

In the earlier script, after Shirley says that the rockers don't even have their names straight, Laverne replied, "So.  They wanna change 'em anyway, " which became "So.  Everybody confuses us anyway."  (Do they?  I mean, wasn't that the point of the L's?)

Laverne here tells the guys, "The only thing I had planned this weekend was a trip to the laundromat."

The Cloud Nine kiss is gone and there's just premarital hand-holding.  The very last part of this scene was dropped, as the girls eat more brownies:

(BITING INTO ONE) You know, they'd taste much better with a glass of milk.

Milk!  What a concept.

And that ends Act One.

We can definitely see them approaching the final product, still with some vestiges of the earlier draft but closer.  At the same time, there are things that only appear in this version.  (Well, and maybe some transitional script.)  I have to admit that my curiosity about the cocaine joke is part of what prompted me to get this version of the script.  Well, that and the Lavenny stuff of course.

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Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...