Friday, December 10, 2021

"The Tenants Are Revolting," Scene A

On February 13, 1979, exactly a month before "The Tenants Are Revolting" aired, its Rev. Shooting Script came in.  As ever, there were changes.

We begin in the "girls' apartment - day."  For some reason, in the script it's Laverne's nylons rather than a towel that is frozen stiff.  Also, the girls were supposed to be in "bathing suits and knee socks," rather than halter tops, shorts, and knee socks.  Shirley holding Laverne's hands was not in the script.

Almost a page was dropped at the end of the scene, after the boys exit:


Okay, I'll tell the whole first floor, and you can tell the second floor.

Oh, not the second floor.  Mrs. Kolcheck's up there, and she hates me.

No, she doesn't.

Then how come yesterday she tried to drop a water balloon on me?

It was a little joke.

It was frozen.

Then Laverne shrugs and they exit.

A couple thoughts:
  • Did the censors disapprove of the swimsuits or did Penny and Cindy object?  We would see them in swimsuits in a later scene, so maybe it was decided to save those outfits for then.
  • I'm always puzzled by how many people and apartments are in this building.  There seem to be more than usual in this episode, which I may get back to later.
  • Mrs. Kolcheck had recently appeared in "The Fire Show" and didn't seem to dislike Shirley there, but perhaps this is a recent development.

1 comment:

  1. Since we get them in partial swimsuits pretty soon after this, it might've been a comedy thing.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...