Saturday, June 5, 2021

"Fakeout at the Stakeout," Scenes C, D, and E

We're still at the girls' apartment, but "1/2 hour later - night."  Officer Norman Hughes was supposed to be sitting on the couch with the girls, but I think it works better for him to be standing at first, until he's charmed by Laverne's sense of humor.  By the way, Laverne's joke about the Milwaukee Masher beating up potatoes was added.

Poor Officer Morris got axed from this scene.  He was supposed to "come back in" and say, "Got all the fingerprints.  You girls have a nice place here -- and a good selection of magazines in the bathroom."  And he didn't get to say, "Goodnight."  But this allows Laverne to say goodbye to Norman individually after she volunteers to be "Tess Trueheart," and then Norman makes his remark that the police station will have men dressed like him.

Scene C closes out Act One, and Scene D of course opens Act Two.  We still haven't left the girls' apartment, but now it's "the next night."  Laverne looking at Carmine's fillings with the binoculars was added.

In the script, Shirley says, "Tommyrot," rather than "That's a bunch of bunk," about Laverne's claim that she wants to be a good citizen.  Another change in the script is that Lenny originally said they were "dusting for prints" outside, rather than questioning dogs.  And the final lines of the scene go like this:

Come here, Prince.  (WHISTLES)

(PUTTING ON COAT) She can't do it without me... and I hate her charm bracelet.

Onscreen, Shirley has the excuse of taking Laverne the binoculars.

The final scene, E, takes us to Pfister Memorial Park, at "midnight."  They omitted this after the girls sing, "In the Still of the Night":

...I can't believe this.  I can't believe I'm shoo dooping in the midst of danger.

Stop being so nervous.  We're just two normal girls relaxing in the park.

For some reason, they changed Norman's middle name from Leo to Martin, and Herbie the baseball nut to Bennie. In the script, Shirley says, "Aha.  Now the waters of my mind part and I see clearly," rather than saying "tommyrot" here.

In the script, Morris says, "Boy.  You send a girl out to do a girl's job...," while onscreen he has a line about getting a free hot dog.

They left out Shirley saying that the scarf the Masher is wearing was a Christmas gift, and then Laverne cutting her off with "What are you talking about?  The man has an 'L' on his chest!"  The Masher's exit line about not being "used to these heels" was added.

In the script, Norman invites Laverne to "the fights" rather than the FBI fingerprint lecture, so Laverne says (I think implausibly), "No, I don't like the fights."

The tag with the girls scaring off the boys with their new burglar alarm was added at some point before filming.

Other than that, this script isn't drastically from what we'd see onscreen, although, yeah, the comfort-hug would've been interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Not too many changes, but I like the deleted "Shoo Dooping" line.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...