Tuesday, March 2, 2021

"The Gymnast Show," Scene B

We're at Cowboy Bill's at night again.  It's three weeks later.  As on the filmed version, Frank is counting money, although instead of the line about Mary (presumably the waitress) needing to be more careful because one of the bills has Art Linkletter, Frank originally said, "One, two, three, four... what's the matter with you guys?  Aren't you friends with Lincoln?  Good lookin' guy.  Skinny.  Had a beard," which is marginally funny, although Lincoln isn't exactly known for his good looks.

They left out Frank reacting to the news that Edgar is going to teach Laverne "the triple" with "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!", which maybe Standards & Practices found blasphemous.  And then when Laverne says that Edgar is a trapeze artist, this was omitted:

The trapeze, huh?  I guess it's better than you wanting to go to India and sit around with skinny guys in sheets.

I wouldn't go to India.  I can do that at the laundromat.

I'll give you some shirts.

And then after Frank says Edgar seems nice and has a nice suit, there was this.

But the circus?  I mean if she's gonna train, why not train her to be a dental assistant?

I don't want to spend my life saying "spit, rinse, and you have to floss more often."  Edgar says he can train me and I want to take a shot.

In the script, Frank objects to Edgar being "old," which was replaced (perhaps to preserve West's ego) with Edgar being out of work.

And they left out this part:

Pop, didn't you hear him say his house guy was gonna be there?  We won't be alone.

You think that makes me feel better?  Now it's two guys and you.  I think I'm beginning to understand "the triple."

And that's it for changes to this scene.  A few thoughts:
  • Three weeks is a long time for Laverne to date a guy and have him not get her name right.  Shouldn't she be more suspicious?
  • I think that is a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi joke, this being set around the time that the Beatles were involved with the MMY.  
  • The dental assistant joke is a little random.
  • They are really beating that "triple" group sex joke into the ground.
  • Overall, this again isn't especially funny, but neither is the filmed episode.


  1. I can absolutely picture Adam West saying that Jesus, Mary and Joseph line. Oh well.

    I think I'm beginning to understand "the triple."

    WOW, show.

    1. The JMJ line was Frank's.

      I prefer the Carmine-centric polyamory of "The Dance Studio" script myself.

    2. Whelp! That explains why they cut it.

      HAH. I'd take Lenny proposing a three-way with the girls only to get an elbow to the gut in YOBIP over this!

    3. Gosh, I wish the price on YOBIP would come down! (It's been $200 for a long time. I could maybe see $75.) But, yes, at least that was relatively plausible.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...