Sunday, March 21, 2021

"A Date with Shirley"

It is now time to look at the "Laverne & Shirley" portion of the November 11, 1975 Happy Days episode, "A Date with Fonzie."  My Happy-Days-specific review is at  Here's what we can cull for (or maybe against) LAS canon:

  • The episode aired in November of 1975, in the middle of HD's third season, and yet there are Valentine's decorations up at Arnold's.  That Richie and Shirley's second date will be "eleven and a half months" later, and Richie is still magically a seventeen-year-old high school senior, only confuses the issue.
  • As Fonzie is dialing Laverne & Shirley's phone number, he tells Richie that these girls don't know the word no.
  • We don't hear the girls' half of the phone call, but Laverne answers and then Fonzie has her put Shirley on so Richie can say hi.
  • Fonzie gives them the invitation and then hangs up.  They apparently know where Arnold's is, or can find out.
  • Fonzie describes Shirley as "a very cute girl," but "not your usual type of girl."  She is a little bit older than Richie, and "wouldn't give him a hard time," if you get his drift.  And she's "a good sport."  I suppose it could be argued that he means that she'll be kind to Richie and maybe make out with him.  Or Shirley hasn't yet regrown her hymen.
  • The girls don't look drastically different than they would in their own Season One.  Laverne even has an L on her blouse.
  • She loudly calls Fonzie "Fonzie" and he greets her as "DeFazio."
  • Shirley quickly snuggles up to Richie, her head on his shoulder, which would become a signature move, sometimes preceded by the Shirley Shimmy.
  • Richie, who's wearing a tie and a handkerchief, helps Shirley off with her coat.  He is probably more of a gentleman than she's used to, even in later canon.
  • Laverne takes off her own coat, which she'd wear on her series.
  • Shirley thinks Richie is nice and is impressed by the tie, but she resents Laverne's hanky remark, which will have, if you think about it, long-ranging consequences.
  • This Laverne apparently can drive but doesn't have insurance, which shocks Richie.
  • Shirley is relatively more lady-like than Laverne and at least excuses them so they can argue in the ladies' room.
  • Laverne and Shirley are "a little more boisterous than Fonzie likes," and actually he does seem to prefer the quieter types, like Paula Petralunga.
  • Fonzie tells Richie that Laverne and Shirley don't usually get along and they fight.  (If my theory is correct that Shirley was putting on an act for Richie, Fonzie must've been in on it.)
  • The girls yell and then when Laverne emerges, she says she held Shirley's face under the sink.  The subject of the argument was Laverne's "crude" remark about Richie's hanky.
  • Laverne scares Potsie and Ralph since they keep staring at her, although can you blame them?  (She'll scare Potsie more pleasantly a year later.)
  • Laverne calls Richie "Red," as I believe she would in subsequent crossovers.
  • Shirley is in a slinky black dress with a broken strap.
  • She again rests her head on Richie's shoulder, perhaps for comfort this time.
  • Saturday night is the girls' big night out, and hitting each other "gets their blood up," if you get Fonzie's drift.  Richie is understandably dubious about this.
  • On their way out of Arnold's, Laverne fusses with the fallen "dip" in Shirley's hair, while Shirley brushes her off, which feels very them.
  • Laverne is happy to get some alone time with Fonzie, but not if it's in the kitchen.  (It's in his "penthouse," as he calls it.)
  • On the way out the back door, Fonzie says, "I respect you, Laverne."  Take that as you wish.
  • Shirley calls Laverne a bimbo but her best friend.
  • She puts Richie's arm around her.
  • She works at the still-nameless brewery as a bottle-capper.
  • She doesn't mind taking off her sweater before she finds out that Richie's cufflink is hooked in it, but she doesn't want the sweater damaged, since she just bought it at the dime store.
  • Once the sweater is safe, she puts her head on Richie's shoulder again.
  • He's nervous, so he goes to get her beer, pretzels, and chips.  She's agreeable to whatever he suggests.
  • While he's in the kitchen, he asks about the fight.  She says she told Laverne she has "a mouth like a sewah."  She recreates the argument and refers to Laverne's "chubby little hand."
  • The punch, by the way, is spectacularly timed, and the audience of course goes crazy, especially when she offers to "kiss the boo-boo."
  • Having his family come home in the middle of it is icing on the cake.  Shirley's first impulse is to try to fix her broken strap.
  • I love that Richie's parents shake hands with Shirley in the midst of the chaos after Richie introduces them.
  • Shirley calls out to Laverne, who probably can't hear her over the sound of Fonzie breathing heavily and playing Johnny Mathis.  (I assume.)
  • Shirley is sympathetic, Richie apologetic.
  • With sensitivity that we wouldn't expect from a gum-chewing bimbo, she knows that Richie was pushed into this and says that if he wants to go out again, he can call her, so she'll know it's his idea.  (Ironically, she'll call him.  Although I assume they see each other on the upcoming HD crossovers this season.)
  • He clearly does want to go out with her, despite this disastrous date, and she says a girl would have to be "nuts" to not want to date "a cute kid" like him.  Showing confidence for the first time this episode, he asks for a goodnight kiss, and she tells him, "You bet!"
  • The kiss lasts over ten seconds and must be quite a good one, since someone in the audience whistles, and Richie hides part of it by closing the door.
  • Shirley is going to make Laverne hitch home.  One hopes Fonzie gave her a ride on his motorcycle.  (No, that's not a euphemism.)
So, yes, this is not The Girls As We Know Them, but then again, with hindsight, I can see why the characters developed as they did.  And, yes, I still ship Richie/Shirley.  Despite their different backgrounds, they have things in common and she is indeed the right girl to give him back his confidence, while he treats her like the lady she wants to be.  And, clearly, they enjoy kissing each other.

As for Laverne and Fonzie, well, that would morph into something less earthy, but their relationship four years later in the "Shotgun Wedding" two-parter is not all that foreign to this episode.


  1. I will say that Penny/Laverne's hair is better on HD than it is in S1 of L&S.

    She does indeed call him Red!

    The girls don't really get fully rehymenated 'til Bachelor Party (Shirley's "it shows, honey" is very HD!era her)

    That ep just reminds me of how amazing Cindy's physicality could be and how good the show could be at its peak.

    1. Agreed about the hair. They wouldn't let Laverne's hair look nice on her own show until Season Three, and I actually like her California styles best.

      I know it's not exclusively a Laverne thing, but I like that she nicknames him the day they meet, and she keeps that informality to their relationship through the next four years.

      Yeah, "Society Party" is definitely a transitional episode. I'm very curious about "Football Frolics," which I haven't seen in decades and hope to watch next weekend.

      I wish this whole episode was as good as that sequence, from punch to goodbye. Having rewatched two and a half seasons of HD now, I can confidently state that it's not just hindsight that makes Laverne and Shirley really stand out among all those girls that Fonzie and Richie date. They really were something special, and Penny and Cindy made them that way.

    2. Penny was a knockout from seasons 6-7 between her hair and make-up, but I also liked her s4 look.

      Cindy said she and Penny had a weird telepathy and it shows even there.

      So do I, it's very Laverne.

      Let me know what you think of that!

    3. I don't remember her look in S4 specifically compared to S5, but like I said, it's been awhile, except for scattered episodes.

      Yeah, they clicked as believable besties right off.

      I'll cross-post when I get there. (Ditto for "Fonzie's Funeral" etc.)

    4. Think the curls from Festival!



Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...