Monday, February 15, 2021

"Blansky's Beauties," Episode Number One

I spent too much for a very cheap burn of most of Blansky's Beauties, just to settle my own curiosity and share this very crossover series with my loyal reader(s).  I won't blog in depth until we get to "Nancy Remembers Laverne," but just make notes along the way.

The debut episode, "Blansky's Biking Beauty," aired on February 12, 1977.  Some things of note for LAS fans and other students of Marshallania:
  • It sets up the basic premise and characters.  It is also remarkably laugh-free but not as cringey as some short-run '70s sitcoms.
  • Eddie Mekka, as Joey DeLuca, is a devoted nephew and assistant to Nancy Blansky.
  • He is also friends with a remarkably well-preserved Pinky Tuscadero (Roz Kelly).  Correction, she is a "friend of my cousin Carmine's from Milwaukee."  So did Carmine move back to Milwaukee after Burbank and New York, or does Joey mean that Carmine and Pinky met in Milwaukee?  (Either way, Carmine probably boned her.)
  • I knew going into this that sixteen-year-old Scott Baio (playing Joey's twelve-year-old brother Anthony) would hit on the showgirls, but it's still weird to see him ask out a character ("Sunshine") played by Lynda Goodfriend.  Dude, that's your future wife's sister-in-law!  Not cool.
  • Garry Marshall directed.


  1. Either way, Carmine probably boned her

    LMAOO (we all know it's true) (Well, maybe Pinky would have better taste).

    Also it's so clear no ending was preplanned from stuff like this.

    1. You know he at least tried.

      Re not knowing where canon would go, wait until you read the "Nancy Remembers Laverne" post.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...