Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Revised Shooting Script of "The Monastery Show," Act One, Scene B

OK, a little thought experiment: Let's say you moved across the country with a half dozen friends and family (your father, your stepmother, your best friend, your best friend's boyfriend, and two other guys you grew up with and are still friends with despite their weirdness).  Your best friend runs off to get married and your stepmother is never around anymore.  (You'll find out later she was having an affair with a jockey she'd eventually elope with.)  Your favorite guy friend is gone a lot, too.  (You'll later find out he's got a secret identity as a member of an English rock band, and you're not sure how that happened.)  Your support system has crumbled after two and a half years in your new home, but, hey, you've still got your father and the two guy friends who are around all the time.  Wouldn't you tell them if you had a traumatic experience?  Or at least come up with a plausible reason you're going to be out of town for two weeks?

Not if you're Laverne DeFazio in the eleventh episode to air in Season Eight.  However, that's not how the episode was written.

Presenting pp. 6-9, Scene B, Int. Cowboy Bill's - Day, with my comments in curly brackets....


Carmine!  Do my eyes precede me?  {Squiggism alert.}  What are you doing?  The Big Ragoo wasting his talents cleaning tables?  This is terrible.  It's criminal!  You missed a spot.

What do you want Squig?  I'm busy.

I've got a proposition for you.  {Surprisingly, this does not lead to innuendo, although I could picture Lander adding it in.}  What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say dead celebrities.  {A period, not a comma.  Either they had a lousy typist or, as with "Devine," no one cared.}

You're disgusting.  {Or, wait, was "proposition" meant to be suggestive?}

Correct.  {Carmine is correct that Squiggy is disgusting?  Or correct that Carmine thinks Squiggy thinks Carmine imagines necrophilia with celebrities?  This episode really could've been more tasteless than it became!}  But the second thing that comes to mind is money.  {Sex and money, that is the Squiggman hierarchy of needs I guess.}  Think of it.  Thousands of people from around the world.  Coming to see the great and not so great in their final resting place.  The Squiggman-Ragusa Tour of the Stars' Graves.  {Note the billing.  Also, where is Kosnowski in this plan?  Was it too tasteless for even Lenny?}  

You'd probably charge money to see your own dead grandmother.  {True?}

Nah, not big enough.  She's hardly known outside of her own hometown.

I don't think it's a good idea going to see dead people.

But that's the beauty of it.  When they're alive, they're always selling houses and moving around.  But once they're dead, they're dead.  They usually stay put.

This is the sickest idea you've had since you tried to sell frozen worms on a stick.

Everybody loved the wormsicle.  It was very high in protein.

Forget it, Squig.  I'm not interested in celebrity graves.

This may be your only chance to get in on somethin' on the ground floor.  Actually, below the ground floor.

{I have to say, by Season Eight standards, this exchange is almost funny and in character, with Squiggy as tasteless schemer and Carmine as weary straight man.  It might've worked in another episode.  (And I feel like I've heard it elsewhere, so maybe it got recycled.)  It would've been better with Lenny of course, but I understand why he was absent.  And if you're wondering what any of this "comic relief" has to do with Laverne's dilemma, with only a page left in the scene, I don't blame you.  Is this going to be one of those "meanwhile" plot threads, where we go back to Cowboy Bill's to see what wacky hijinks the boys are getting up to while she's "contemplating her sins in peaceful quiet"?}

LAVERNE ENTERS CARRYING A SUITCASE.  {So she went home from the church near the pier, packed a suitcase, presumably changed her clothes, and headed over to her father's restaurant?  And by the way, where is her father while Carmine is clearing off tables?  For that matter, are there any customers around?  What about Mary the waitress?}

Hi, guys.  Is my Pop around?  {Pretty casual phrasing, although I can picture Penny putting some emotion into it.}

He's not here.  I'm covering for him.  He went down to the ball park -- he heard they were having a sale on day-old hotdogs.  {So they didn't want to pay Phil Foster that week?  Or they just didn't want to deal with Laverne telling her father what happened on the ship and then running off to a convent for two weeks?  Also, geez, I really feel sorry for Eddie M., sometimes, getting a pathetic line like that.  For that matter, does Cowboy Bill's even serve hot dogs?  Maybe Frank would chop them up and put them in chili or something.}

Well, tell him I stopped in to say good-bye.  {I don't even know how to take this line.  Was Laverne hoping to see her father or is she relieved she won't have to face him for two weeks?  This scene could've taken place at Squiggy's apartment and just not mentioned Laverne's father.}

(SEES SUITCASE) {Wow, nothing gets by you, does it, Ragusa?}  You taking a vacation?  {Or a vocation?  Ha ha, I'm surprised Jill Gordon and Ed Solomon didn't come up with that one!}

Kind of.  {In the sense of not at all.}  I gotta go spend some time with some nuns at a convent.  {No mention of which convent, or request that either of the guys drive her there, or for that matter, explanation of why she's "gotta."}

SQUIGGY {who hasn't said a word, even "hello," since she came in}
Convent?  Wait a minute.  Are you in the family way without a paddle?  {This is actually a reasonable conclusion to draw, especially since Laverne hasn't told the guys how much time she's gotta spend with nuns.}

(TO SQUIGGY) Hey, watch who you're talking to.  (TO LAVERNE) Are you?  {In character for Carmine I think.}

LAVERNE {I'm going to give my reaction to her line its own section}
No, and you might as well stop guessing 'cause I ain't saying.  But if anybody from the U.S.S. Hackbush calls, I'll be back in two weeks.

{Scene C on p. 10}

"No, and...."  No?!  No?  No!  How the hell does she know she isn't pregnant?  It's implied she had sex with multiple guys during a drunken blackout.  Here's the dialogue from pp. 2-3:  "You know one minute I was on the beach toasting the memory of Buddy Holly....Anyway, the next thing I know, I see the sun coming up from the deck of an aircraft carrier....When I woke up and left the ship, all the sailors saluted and they tooted the Big horn."  Is she infertile and just never told us?  Does she have an amazing foolproof form of birth control that works even when she's possibly passed out?  (The priest says, "So you had a little too much to drink and passed out.  It happens.")

So here's my new headcanon: she gave a bunch of blowjobs!  You're welcome!

"You might as well stop guessing."  Sure, Laverne, you show up where you know you have a good chance of running into Carmine and Squiggy, rather than just calling your pop before you leave (maybe Mary could've taken a message), and then you refuse to tell them what's going on, even though you must know that saying you have to spend time in a convent is going to make them curious.  And, Laverne, almost everyone in your friend circle is completely nosy.  If you didn't want people guessing, you could've mentioned it to Rhonda before you caught the bus and hoped she'd be too self-absorbed to pry.  (Although by Season Eight, even Rhonda would've cared.)

" 'Cause I ain't saying."  Really?  You'll go to Confession for the first time in fifteen years [sic], and spill your guts to a priest you've never met, but you won't tell at least Carmine?  Are you afraid Carmine will call you "easy" and/or Squiggy will call you "DeFloozio"?  Or are the writers afraid to face their victim-blaming head on?

"But if anybody from the U.S.S. Hackbush calls...."  {"...I'm pressing charges!"}  Good grief, could they have given the ship a more rapey name than that??  I guess it's supposed to have a Borscht Belt old-school comedy feel to it, but no, just no.  And why would anyone call?  Is she hoping for a "second date"?  Dreading that the sailors will track her down?  And why, in the name of the God she apparently wants to get right with, would she give them the Cowboy Bill's phone number?  The phone number of the restaurant that her overprotective Italian father runs!

"I'll be back in two weeks."  So Carmine and Squiggy can assume she's not leaving town to give birth to a bastard.  And she wants them to tell the sailors to expect her back in two weeks?  So she had a nice time but she feels utter shame about it?  This episode, I can't even.

But anyway, there you go.  A scene that's worth $50 in settling my curiosity, despite all the new questions it raises.  (Spoiler, nothing else in the script comes close to this little beauty, although the tag is utter crap on a dozen levels.)


  1. Good lord. Part of me is glad this never made the episode (or at least the immortalized syndicated version). I can see the attempt at softening things, but the other part of me notes that in all drafts Laverne has absolutely no memory of what happened to her on that boat, which means it's rape either way.

    Other possibility is she's on the pill, which is perfectly possible by '68, I think. Either way, she could also have the clap. SO.

    I remember hot dogs and burgers being on the Cowboy Bills' menu! I guess this is why the soup is inedible too - which is never something they would say about the Pizza Bowl's pizza.

    Also Squiggy was ahead of his time with those cemetery tours. People lead them all the time now!

    Like why would she want to see these guys again?! I have a feeling Penny spoke up and drew the line because holy shit.

    1. I doubt any of this scene aired originally, and it is better that it was left out, if this was how they planned to handle the transition between the confessional and the convent.

      Yes, it is rape, whether or not Laverne can admit that. But she probably figures, she drank and went to the ship, so it's her "fault."

      The Pill would likely protect her from pregnancy but it does occasionally fail (91% success), and this is, what, the next day? Later that morning? How does she know with such certainty? Would the sailors even bother with condoms? And if she doesn't even remember, shudder!

      I can never remember the CB menu, other than "Coyote Sodies." Also, it's a franchise, wouldn't they get the food from a supplier?

      I know, why is Carmine so squeamish about the cemetery tour? It might not have been a thing by even '82, but by Squiggy standards, it's not that bad, despite his way of presenting the idea.

      I really wonder what Penny thought of this episode, or by that point was she so sick of the show she just didn't care? And what is the point of her leaving a message for the sailors? Are we supposed to think she's still "easy" despite her guilt? That she had a good time physically but feels bad about it morally?

      I almost want to host a MST3K-style fund-raiser reading of this script (and donate the money to a rape crisis center), where the participants would both act it out and react to the mess.

    2. Yeah, and that would be her POV in the late '60's, sadly.

      They definitely wouldn't have, and if she can't remember how she ended up on that deck with a torn outfit I doubt if she'd remember anything else.

      I remember glimpsing it during various eps - on pausing the scene, looks like they actually don't sell hotdogs but they do sell something called a "Hopalong Casserole." And yep, it would.

      It makes no sense. I mean he was basically a fixer for the mob.

      Apparently according to an interview she set herself up in someone's mansion and refused to come down until CBS sued her and forced her to make season 8. And God, she can't even remember if she had a good time if she was passed out, so it has to be that the script's saying she's just That Sailor Crazy.

      God it needs a dramatic reading so badly.

    3. I wonder if Laverne thinks the sailors have anything to repent of, or if she just figures they were acting the way men (or at least sailors) act. After seven seasons of rebelling against the double standard, Laverne ends up more trapped than she was in the '50s.

      She. Does. Not. Know. What. Happened. To. Her. So she assumes the worst about herself. This episode, sigh. And, yeah, that's probably the only way to interpret that last line, she's "Sailor Crazy," still!

      I feel like I saw the wall menu more in Season Eight than Six or Seven, but maybe my attention was wondering more.

      Yeah, Carmine has probably seen the dark side of life more than Squiggy has, which I think Shirley can't consciously handle.

      Poor Penny!

      Maybe for the fortieth anniversary (half-joke).

    4. It reminds me of what she says in Shirley and the Older Man: "You can only tease guy so much and then pow." Yikes, but revealing. YEP.

      I did too - I had to pause Road to Burbank to see if there were hotdogs or hamburgers on the line.



    5. I missed this comment earlier. Yeah, that line bugs me in "Older Man."


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...