Saturday, May 2, 2020

A Salute to Beehive Girl

She's first introduced in the tag of "A Date with Eraserhead," as Squiggy's date from Chicago, Francine.  She has no lines and is uncredited.  She's mentioned earlier but appears onscreen for only twenty historic seconds.  Squiggy imposes on the girls downstairs because Lenny can't drive her back to Chicago, as promised, because he swallowed the keys to the truck!  She heads into the girls' bedroom and doesn't question Squiggy, or particularly acknowledge the girls.  Although everyone else is dressed for bed (including Lenny), she is dressed for the ride home.  Her beehive is small.


Later in the fourth season, she returns for "Lenny's Crush" and really impacts the plot.  We first see her cuddling with Squiggy.

Her beehive is much higher, but from a distance it already looks like the same girl, with the slightly zaftig figure.

In closeup, she's amused by Shirley's meltdown, and the face has the rounded cheeks and similar makeup to Francine.  The long necklace also looks like Francine's.

When most of the guests are gone and "cranky" Shirley is going to bed, the liquoring-up process begins.  Note that both Squiggy and Beehive Girl are wearing lavender shirts, and his blue jeans match her skirt.  (They were in too new a relationship to dress alike on "Date.")

"OK, keep drinkin', it'll make it easier."

At least it's Shotz!

As Squiggy starts to lead her out, he calls her his "little pumpkin puss."  She looks drunk and/or horny.

He tells her and then Lenny that his roommate won't be home that night.

If this is indeed Francine, Lenny "shared" her by getting the chance to drive her to Chicago, which might explain his passive-aggressiveness in swallowing the keys.  Lenny asks Squiggy to ask her if she's got a friend for him, so Squiggy and Beehive Girl whisper inaudibly.

Squiggy relays that she says that Lenny is just a little too weird-looking.  And yet, I can't hate her somehow.  Note that she's either moved from Chicago (to be closer to Squiggy?) or has female friends locally.

As they exit, he calls her "My Dear" and says he has a moth collection that will look great in her beehive, and we know how he feels about his moths.

We don't know how the date goes, but Squiggy doesn't check on Lenny until the following morning.  Mostly, she is of course in this episode to show that even weird girls reject Lenny, and to prompt Laverne to compliment Lenny, "even better-looking than Squiggy."  And because she's the reason Laverne invites Lenny to sleep on the couch, Lenny develops (or at least realizes) his crush on Laverne.

As far as I know, Beehive Girl doesn't show up again until Season Six, but she is undeniably the same girl, as I pointed out in my review of "Sing, Sing, Sing."  She's still got a curvy and slightly plump body, and her beehive is possibly even higher than ever.  Her makeup is paler, maybe because it's now the mid-'60s, but her facial features are the same.

Has she moved out to California or is she just visiting Squiggy?  In any case, she again doesn't speak, and this time her intimacy with Squiggy is relaxed as people who have been involved this long should be.  Squigcine (Frangy?) turns out to be one of the most successful long-range canon couples on the show, outlasting, for instance, Norman/Laverne (Lavernorm?).

Thank you, Beehive Girl, for making us laugh about love, again.


  1. This is such a great post! It's easy enough to picture her following him around, since, at least to Squig, women can't resist his mangnetism.

    Man, that'd be the only ship that doesn't sink on the show, except for Walter/Shirley (but does anyone ship that?)

    1. Thank you very much! It was fun to do because she's my favorite background character. (Mary the Waitress is probably #5.)

      They obviously weren't exclusive, but there seem to have been feelings on both sides, since he used terms of endearment, which I don't think Squiggy does with all his "chicks." And look at that body language, especially when they're on one piece of furniture. Lenny would love to get that close to Laverne.

      I don't think even Shirley ships Shirlter (or whatever that abomination is called).

    2. SHIRTLER!

      The fact that both of his legs are over her knees kills me. The casual intimacy is cute.

    3. And look where her hands are on his legs! I hope you'll give her a shout-out when you get up to Season Four on your podcast.

      Also, I just noticed, I think she's actually shorter than Squiggy, especially if you don't count the beehive.

    4. I think I will!

      Yep, by a couple of inches. He found himself a short woman!

    5. Poor Shirley. Francine is probably five-foot at most, because she's wearing spiked heels and boots in the pics where I can see her feet. (I think Squig is in his usual high-tops.) Lander is 5'3".

    6. *nodsnods!* So she'd be even teenier - maybe around in the high four foot range.

    7. Yeah, 4'11ish. I bet Squiggy enjoyed feeling tall for a change.

    8. I can't tell what/if you're quoting, but now I really want to know if Lander had a say in the casting, like if this was someone he knew.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...