Monday, February 24, 2020

"The Baby Show"

Image result for "The Baby Show" laverne
Just a thought: couldn't Laverne have claimed to
be, say, three months pregnant?  Who would know?
"The Baby Show"
January 18, 1983

Judy Pioli's last L & S script is OK I guess, especially for Season Eight, but when it gets to the point of a divorced Sgt. Plout giving birth on top of a coffin, you know that any resemblance to reality (even sitcom reality) has long been abandoned.  Still, any episode that jokes that a baby looks like Squiggy is going to make me smile.  Oh, and I'm not sure if Alvinia having to bathe a pig doll is a reference to the L & S cartoon, but I'm going to assume it is.

Besides Lawrence's farewell to L & S, this is the last bow for other repeat guest stars.  Timothy Blake's third and final role on the show is Gail, Neil Thompson's fourth and final is the Funeral Director, William Sumper's fifth and final is Morry, and Lynne Marie Stewart's seventh and final is Marsha.


  1. I loved Plout in this one. According to scuttlebutt they rewrote this from an episode where Shirley was supposed to give birth, which is super morbid to contemplate.

    1. Yeah, that's what I heard, and it would be a lot creepier with an actual pregnant woman on the coffin. (Mark Hudson would've understandably protested.)

    2. Yep! Makes me wonder if Shirley's kid would've been a boy canonically.

    3. Can you imagine? "Private Goober Meeney."


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...