Friday, January 21, 2022

"The Beatnik Show," Scenes D, E, and H

We return to the "Buttered Cocoon Coffeehouse - night."  The "garbage man" doesn't have any lines in the script, but onscreen he gets to say it's his birthday.

Onscreen, Shirley calmly says she's brought something for "Group Contemplation," but in the script it's a less cool "Me, me, me."

This little bit of dialogue was dropped:

Uh... this isn't much of a poem.

She's so modest.

(TO LAVERNE) Lay it on us.

Then it's back to the "girls' apartment - a short time later."  The opening is the same, although I love the stage direction about Laverne's ice cream cone, "Note: It's a sugar cone."

And they left out this after Laverne tells Shirley the flavors she got:

...Wanna lick?

They were out of sprinkles?

Yeah.  So I ate a Hershey bar first.

(TAKES A LICK) Good thinking.

We lost Shirley saying that Laverne's "grocery man" poem was "a major opus."

The scene, and act, were supposed to end on the girls hugging but, maybe because of the ice cream cone, they sort of pat each other's backs.

The tag is in the same setting, with "continuous action."  The only real difference from onscreen is Shirley's closing line was, re Barbara's hickey being shaped like Texas, "I bet she'll remember the Alamo."

The main thing in these three scenes is that, for whatever reason, Laverne originally shared her ice cream with Shirley.  Maybe this seemed too intimate and/or messy.

Overall, this isn't one of those scripts with big surprises throughout, or at least scattered.  There are differences from what would air, but not earth-shattering.

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