Thursday, December 23, 2021

"Fat City Holiday," Scenes C through K

We have the same set for C as B, but now "Sunday afternoon."  As onscreen, there's a montage, but each piece, for instance, the girls in the weight belts, is chopped up into more than one bit, I guess to show more time has passed.

Then we go to "the girls' room - Sunday night."  The room was supposed to be "bereft of furniture except for two uncomfortable looking beds with gold bedspreads," and two small scales, but I spot a dresser (with a few books, a potted plant, and I think an ashtray on top), two gold armchairs, a couple framed pictures of flowers, a night stand with a lamp, a gold rug, and floral curtains.

In the script, Shirley exclaims, "Holy butterbuns!  Somehow I've gained a hundred and ten pounds!" when Laverne steps on the same scale, which was reduced to seventy-two pounds for filming.  (With no "butterbuns.")  Otherwise, this scene is intact, and it ends Act One.

Act Two opens in the same place, with continuous action.  They dropped Shirley scolding the boys, "Preying on the poor, huddled masses yearning to be thin," and Squiggy's reply, "The Statue of Liberty did it."

Instead of Squiggy wanting the girls to pay them in other ways than cash, Squiggy in the script says, "Sure, I'll get some other tubbos and we'll have an auction."

In the script, Squiggy tells Bambi, "You can dispose of us, but our produce will never perish," and Lenny adds, "Or your money back," which was improved to Squiggy saying that Lenny will spoil in the sun.

Then it's back to the Pounds of Gold Reception and Exercise Room, "a short time later - night."  This was dropped:

If you want to be released just call me, because on your way out I'd like to treat you to a char-broiled steak, (SHE STARTS TO CROSS TO THE DOOR) a baked potato, tossed green salad and...

Don't say it.


Pie a la mode.

That was it!

They skipped Shirley saying that she "would have thought of" Laverne's "brilliant'" idea of getting their food out of the Golden Locker herself "sooner or later."

Rollo spotting the girls was added.  They left out Shirley saying of Laverne throwing herself against the locker, "That's not going to open it," and Laverne replying, "I know, but it makes me feel better."

Onscreen, the girls are immediately happy when the top comes off the locker, but it takes longer for it to sink in in the script:

Do you think anyone heard that?

I'll cover for it.  Gesundheit.

I think we're in trouble, we broke the locker.

(REALIZING) We broke the locker!

Also onscreen, there's more physical comedy as the girls struggle to open the Twinkie packages, but in the script the girls seem to do this easily, and Shirley says "softly" to the Twinkies, "Hello, little Twinkies.  Don't be afraid, we are going to become one."  When she sees Laverne hesitate, she says, "This is not the time to become a picky eater.  Just shovel it down, pal," which was definitely softened for filming.

The penultimate scene is set in the "exercise room - the next morning" and the tag is set in the girls' apartment, at "night."  There aren't any notable changes in either scene.  

  • I've certainly stayed in worse hotel rooms than the girls get for the weekend, although admittedly I didn't have to diet or exercise.
  • The dropped and changed lines in Scenes E and H are weaker than what we'd get onscreen, and it's not a great episode anyway.  (I gave it a C+)
  • I do sort of like Bambi tormenting the girls by talking about food.
  • I don't get why they decided to show Rollo witnessing the girls' antics, since there's no payoff, unless one was filmed and then dropped.  The viewer is being set up to expect him to rat the girls out to Bambi, or at least be tempted to, but it makes no difference to the rest of the episode.
  • Shirley talking to the Twinkies is just bizarre, although they do have her saying goodbye to them in both versions.
  • My main thought about this script as a whole is that the best part remains the girls helping Frank and Edna prepare for their trip.


  1. Yeah, this isn't a good episode and there's nothing that can really save it.

    1. Sometimes that's sadly the case, although obviously there are worse scripts than this.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...