Friday, August 27, 2021

"Look Before You Leap," Scenes D and E

Act Two opens still in the "girls' bedroom - early morning - day."  The only part that was dropped from short Scene D was the opening dialogue:

I thought you said it was all a dream. 

I think it was a dream.  Don't you think I would remember if I had done it?  Bells would ring..  trumpets would sound... I didn't hear nothing...

This is relatively explicit, and sad, since Laverne presumably didn't reach orgasm.

Scene E takes us back to the present, in the "girls' living room - morning - day."  Edna having specifically five kids was added, and for some reason it was originally Edna's second baby, rather than her first, that she found out about on the street, although I think first makes more sense.  Otherwise, the scene is intact.

Next time, the big proposal scene (12 pages)....


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...