Sunday, March 28, 2021

"With Time Off for Bad Behavior," Chapter Thirteen

John Bracca, the 37-year-old Executive Vice President of Paragon, is mad at Barry because Lorraine has quit to "direct a fucking movie."  (No, not porn.)  Bobby is also mad.

Mimi wants to wrap up the season by January because she's acting in a different "fucking movie."

Barry suggests they write the Connie character out for a few episodes, and then they can marry her off or kill her.

Mimi gives the writers a pep talk but they laugh in her face because of her voice.  She tells them she's now executive producer.  She gets both her and Lorraine's salaries and her husband, Larry Brogan, is now a consultant.

Mimi suggests they do an episode where she wears big hats.  After she leaves, the writers fight with Larry.  They get John Bracca on their side.  Larry tells them, "You people are going to rue the day you crossed Larry Brogan," through "clenched teeth" no less.  Barry calls him Snidely Whiplash and helpfully explains to the reader that he is "comparing Larry to Dudley Dooright's [sic] arch enemy."

Rhonda Silverman, the plain writer who isn't so plain now that she's getting laid regularly (don't ask), suggests that Mimi do a fashion show where she has to wear big hats, "like an Eiffel Tower hat for France."

The episodes get worse, especially since Mimi wants her character to do nice things, so "America would love her."  However, "America wanted to laugh at her.  They wouldn't care if she killed babies as long as it was funny."

The show isn't as good without Lorraine, and guest stars don't help, not even "JoAnn Worley, the best of the lot."  

It is now 1980 by the way.

Barry starts seeing a shrink, which helps somewhat, but the show is still a headache.  And then....

Even Donna can't come up with a good solution, but luckily the writer from the Wrestle a Nude Woman club has an inspiration:

They do some more Billy & Patti stories, and then Mimi breaks out in hives.

I'm sure MMK would love creating a comedy classic like Spinal Tap being equated to playing a cocaine dealer.  As for the rest, sheesh!  Wait till we get to Chapter Fourteen....


  1. I see u trying to switch stuff up, MS!

    Holy shit, the cocaine thing. MARRYING A MUD WRESTLER. That...feels like something Lenny would do. Also that Fashion Show ref!

    I wish Squiggy and Laverne had gone into business. That'd be interesting.

    Also: possible Jumpin' Jack Flash ref!

    1. Subtle switcharoos.

      I can sort of see Lenny marrying a mud wrestler, but he would never deliberately abandon Squiggy.

      That'd have been fun, seeing Squiggy and Laverne get on each other's nerves, and then maybe realize they bring different skill sets to the business, developing a grudging respect for each other.

      What's the JJF ref? (I haven't seen that movie.)

    2. They would live TOGETHER with the mud wrestler!

      That would've been sooo much better than what we got.

      Michael did a cameo in JJF as a favor to Penny, so I'm wondering if that was a reference.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...