Sunday, March 28, 2021

"Laverne & Shirley & Booker"

Note that Laverne has her orange-lined coat, which she doesn't take off during her brief stay, so there's no telling if she's wearing an L.  I mean, I assume she is.  And no word yet on the girls' hymens.

Unlike their memorable debut, the girls' second quasi-crossover has them being shoehorned into an already meh episode.  (Reviewed here:  It's one week before the mid-season premiere of the spin-off, but on Happy Days it's shortly before Mardi Gras, a traveling late winter holiday, which confirms my theory that "A Date with Fonzie" is not actually set on Valentine's week but instead Arnold put the decorations up to give the diner a "romantic" feel.  (Maybe they were on sale.)  If this is 1958, Mardi Gras was February 18th, if 1959 (also possible) Feb. 10th, so I really doubt "DWF" is also from February.

Anyway, unlike in the debut of Laverne and Shirley, there's no set-up or anticipation.  The girls just show up, then leave, return, and leave again.  Let's see what we learn in this minisode:

  • At about the fifteen-minute mark, someone knocks on the door and Richie answers, pleasantly surprised to see Shirley.
  • She and Laverne have brought a kid for the mass babysitting "camp" Richie and his buddies are running in the Cunningham home.
  • Laverne drags in a little Black boy with his arm in a sling.  This is Booker, whom Shirley promised they'd babysit, on the same night that Laverne set up a double date with "two big spenders."  At this point, the viewer (if recalling their earlier episode) must assume that the girls only go on double dates.
  • Booker hurt his arm breaking up a fight between Shirley and Laverne (yes, the names in that order), suggesting the girls still fight with each other a lot.
  • Laverne doesn't want to pick Booker up until the Fall, and Shirley says Laverne has no sense of responsibility and wanted to leave him in a bus terminal locker.
  • Shirley says she doesn't like Laverne's jokes, so Laverne makes a pig face and then tickles her, making her laugh.
  • The girls exit after a minute and a half.
  • The audience claps a little after they leave.
  • Booker tries to escape through the kitchen, but the girls are waiting for him.
  • Shirley picks him up and Laverne takes his shoes, "again."
  • Laverne suggests they hang the shoes from the rear-view mirror.  Again, notice that the girls own a car at this point.
  • Shirley is much nicer to Booker and tells him he could grow up to be president someday.  Laverne asks why Shirley is lying to him, since "he's got a broken arm, no shoes, and a lot of other problems."  I don't know if she's being racist, but I hope not.
  • The girls exit arguing about whether Booker could grow up to be president, less than three minutes after Shirley knocked on the front door.  Myron has much more of an impact on the episode than they do.
I assumed at first that the girls heard about the babysitting project from Fonzie, but it turns out he has no idea about it and is annoyed by the noise.  It really stretches the limits of plausibility that they somehow knew of the camp, without contacting Richie or Fonzie, when it's in another part of Milwaukee that they presumably have only been to once before.  On their own show, they would probably have asked Lenny & Squiggy, or maybe Terry Buttafucco.  


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...