Monday, March 2, 2020

"Councilman De Fazio"

Image result for "Councilman De Fazio""Councilman De Fazio"
May 3, 1983

What it says on the tin: Frank runs for City Council and, after seeming to lose badly, wins.  And Laverne spends most of the episode home with mono, so she's not involved much.  However, it's nice to see Squiggy get the girl for an entire episode and perhaps beyond.  And Mary the waitress gets at least her second line of the series.  (She had to say something the time Mr. DeFazio accidentally locked her in the restroom overnight.)

Dottie Archibald plays Reporter Karen and was Mrs. Swisher last season, and in fact co-wrote this episode with Francis T. Perry Williams, who had played a Policeman earlier in this season; and Phil Foster, who'd written another episode about his character in '78.  TV Anchorman Wayne Powers had three previous minor roles on this series.


  1. It's interesting how the show tied up everyone's story but Laverne's without meaning to if you think about it (and Lenny's).

    1. Like I said, Lenny obviously got lost when he and Squiggy returned to the desert. Then Squiggy fell in love with the farmer's daughter on this episode and didn't even notice that Carmine moved to New York. Laverne tragically drowned in her bed.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...