Monday, February 24, 2020

"The Gymnast Show"

Image result for "The Gymnast Show" laverne
"The Gymnast Show"*
December 14, 1982

Monica Johnson, who contributed the classic "Honeymoon Hotel" episode and a couple others, here bows out with a not very original but not terrible story.  Laverne dates a gymnast, really a trapeze-artist, played by 54-year-old Adam West, which made me sort of wish the episode had been about Laverne on a Batman episode.  Instead, Edgar Garibaldi is obsessed with his dead ex, who looks like Laverne.  But it's OK, because he's not actually a killer.  Whew!  Oh well, the costumes and sets are good and I was mildly amused.

Note that in the tag, Rhonda fixes up the not-yet-abandoned-by-Edna-according-to-airdates-rather-than-production-order Frank.  DeVera Marcus, who previously was a Reception Nurse, here is Esmerelda the bearded lady.

*IMDB has this as just "The Gymnast," but in this form it marks the second Season Eight episode, after "The Playboy Show," of several with this title format.


  1. AW and Penny pretty much save this one - weird concept is weird as heck.

  2. Yeah, I like Adam West and wouldn't it have been fun to see Laverne audition for Catwoman or something? Oh well.


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...