Sunday, January 26, 2020

"The Most Important Day Ever"

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"The Most Important Day Ever"
October 13, 1981

So the Tuesday night ABC line-up was intact for the moment, as Happy Days entered Season Nine, L & S Season Seven, and Three's Company Season Six (now with Terri as the blonde roommate).  A lot had changed over the years, and I'll be honest right now, I probably remember even Season Eight of this show better than I do Season Seven.  The title of this season premiere is ironic, since it's a very forgettable episode, although I can make some observations.

Most obviously, the credits are similar to Season Six but with some significant changes.  Lander & McKean get a well-deserved bump up to having their names in the opening credits.  Although Rhonda is absent this episode, she is shown in the end credits, as she was in the previous season.  Sadly, Betty Garrett is gone (busy doing theater), although Edna's absence wouldn't be addressed until the next season I believe.

The opening and end credits now feature New Year's 1966, and the kitchen calendar is still a 30-day month that starts on a Monday, but it now says 1966, which doesn't match up to any month in 1966!  Oh, and Laverne is a Capricorn, putting her birthday in the first month of winter.

The writers of this episode, Gene Braunstein and Robert Perlow, were TV newbies who would go on to write, among other things, some of the more memorable episodes of the second half of the run of Who's the Boss?  This is actually the first thing Braunstein wrote for television, while Perlow did "The Diner" episode back in Season Five.

The episode begins with a shot of a lake, and we find out a couple minutes later that Laverne's boyfriend's wife pushed Laverne into a lake.  Shirley tells Laverne how to spot married men, which Laverne soon has an opportunity to put to the test because Lenny and Squiggy have mysteriously invited six Latvian men to stay in the girls' apartment, and Laverne decides to try the "international language" of flirting.  The men are actually acrobats, and there's not any reason for the boys, or Carmine, to keep this a secret.  Surprisingly, Shirley admits to "cruising the side-streets of Smut City" to get Carmine to talk, but to no avail.  ('The Ragoo boy" by the way has much shorter, less curly hair this season.)  Laverne kisses the Latvian, who speaks no English, and of course his wife catches them.  This eventually leads to the girls having to be "ta-da girls" for the act on the Hollywood Palace TV show.  And of course the girls have no opportunity to rehearse before being thrown into the air repeatedly.

When, after a frantic but not terribly funny fight breaks out in the living room, the girls decide to talk to the boys when things are calmer.  They each call to the one they think is dumber, Lenny for Shirley, Squiggy for Laverne.  Shirley threatens Lenny, who finally tells them what's going on.  Of course, the most interesting part of this sequence is Lenny's sympathy when Shirley pulls the popsicle off Laverne's injured lip.  (Squiggy, in contrast, blames "Laverne DeFloozio.")

Hey, at least Lavenny is still a thing in Season Seven, so there's that.  But the writing will hopefully pick up soon, because this is definitely the weakest season premiere of L & S so far.


  1. Right before that happens, he gives her a cute, microsecond-long look that's so "I'm so disappointed in you but I can't stay mad."


Angel Face

Once again, I'm reluctantly writing another non-obituary for a star of Laverne & Shirley .  Three times in just over three years is ...