Sunday, January 5, 2020

"Love Out the Window"

Image result for laverne "Love Out the Window"
"Love Out the Window"
February 3, 1981

Ruth Bennett wrote this episode that doesn't live up to its potential but at least shows some connection to an earlier episode.  Shirley has taken up painting, including Laverne and Sonny as Scarlett and Rhett.  (There's also a portrait of what looks a fat Laverne on the back wall.)  Laverne confesses to Shirley that she's starting to fall for Sonny.  However, Laverne worries when she hears about a dangerous stunt Sonny is going to do, so she cancels their next date.

After Laverne goes up to the bedroom, Shirley sits down with Sonny and tells him something that he can't tell Laverne she told him: Laverne was in love with a fireman "a couple years ago" and Randy died before he could propose.  So Sonny quits stuntwork and becomes an insurance salesman.  He's very unhappy but denies it.  Shirley admits to Laverne about telling him about Randy.  Even now, it's painful for Laverne to talk about. 

So far, so good, a little drama, mixed in with some sight gags, like Carmine as Cupid, Lenny & Squiggy in borrowed neck-braces.  Even the scene of Frank trying to get Laverne and Sonny to make up is a nice touch.  And Laverne taking the picnic basket to Sonny's office is fine.  But then she, out of desperation, goes out on the ledge to convince him to become a stuntman again.  He goes after her and they talk things out, while pigeons land on her head and eventually take her fall (hairpiece).  Even that I didn't totally mind, although a scene of them talking this out like adults would've been preferable.  And then Shirley somehow goes out on the ledge (from another office) without noticing that Sonny and Laverne have come back in.  At least in the Fabian episode, not one of my favorites, there was sort of a reason for the girls to be out on the ledge, but here it feels forced. 

Still, I do like the acknowledgement that the past is impacting the girls in California.  And Shirley's story of the artist "Michael Angelo" made me laugh.

William Sumper's fourth of five L & S roles is as the Policeman.

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