Sunday, December 1, 2019

"The Quiz Show"

Image result for laverne and shirley "The Quiz Show"
"The Quiz Show"
October 10, 1978

This episode, written by Monica Johnson, is another I do somewhat remember from the time, especially Lenny and Squiggy winning a salami through Squiggy's moth knowledge.  Both L & S pairs go on Silly for Dollars, although they don't compete against each other.  (And, yes, the cast was making lots of dollars being silly every week.)  The physical humor is pretty good, although there is something sort of heartbreaking that the girls not only have their stove blow out (in front of their landlady, who should replace it in my opinion), but don't get to win anything except Pastaroni, apparently an inferior knock-off of Ricearoni.  Even Laverne plugging the Pizza Bowl at her father's insistence doesn't work out.  I know we're supposed to root for these plucky working-class gals every week and hope that their dreams come true, but did they have to not even get a decent consolation prize?

Shipping notes are sparse (there's not even really any Fredna, other than her scolding him), but I do have to say that the Carmine-as-forbidden-fruit thing is continuing, with Shirley making Laverne trade seats with her in the studio audience so that he won't accidentally put his arm around Laverne.

Kip Gilman, who at 32 seems a bit young to be hosting a show that Carmine watched as a little kid (when? in the 40s?), played Dr. Sandor the year before.

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