Saturday, December 28, 2019

"Murder on the Moose Jaw Express: Part 2"

Image result for "Murder on the Moose Jaw Express: Part 2""Murder on the Moose Jaw Express: Part 2"
March 4, 1980

Charlotte Dobbs (who would do one more L & S episode) and Jeff Franklin wrote this second part, where Laverne mostly has to investigate the case herself, because Shirley has disappeared and so do Lenny and Squiggy, after playing good cop & bad cop with the dead man (who I was sure was going to turn out to not be dead, but, no, we're in proto-Weekend at Bernie's territory).    Shirley turns up wearing a suitcase (!), because she was stripped naked (!!) by what turns out to be a bald man in old-lady drag (OK, I saw that part coming).  To my surprise, there's actually a bit of action and suspense in the final showdown, with the girls teaming up and Lenny helping a bit, so a B- rather than a C+.

Note that both boys pucker up when Laverne says she could kiss them, and Lenny of course bites his hand when she says she'll do anything if they can help her.  Also, this episode has Shirley in old-man drag, being flirted with by the supposed old lady, because, well, that's how Season Five rolls.  And the opening narration is by McKean, doing a British accent, and it's quite a contrast to his Lenny voice.

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Angel Face

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